
Standardize on a Charging Method

I’ve been building Solar Chargers and Battery Banks. I have a solar generator, but I wanted something to run my radios and accessories. Maybe even to charge an HT or phone.

It’s inefficient to convert DC to AC back to DC to charge your device. So, all of my battery boxes have Andersen Power Pole connections (12v) and USB connections (5v). My idea is that all battery-powered devices that require charging can do so over USB – hopefully directly. My Baofengs and My Icoms can be charged over USB. This is a game changer when you are in the field or suffering from a power outage. You don’t have to run your generator to charge a bunch of phones and radios. Just build a battery box that includes USB ports.

I use this USB buck converter mentioned above for devices that cannot be charged with USB, like my Baofeng & Wouxan radios. A buck converter transforms the USB voltage (5v) to the required voltage for your device.

A note about USB buck power converters: Make sure you look at the input voltage for your charging cradle or radio. The voltage may not be the same across all radios. You want this voltage as an OUTPUT for the USB adapter.

Most modern radios that directly accept USB connections have standardized on micro-USB and more recently USB-C.

  • general_amateur_info/new_ham_tips/standardize_on_a_charging_method.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/03 14:28
  • by Jack Parks - KQ4JP