Show pageBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Georgia ====== ---- ===== Georgia ARES ===== The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is an entity of and operates under the auspices of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). The actual intent and spirit of ARES is meant to foster cooperative assistance and training with any formal or informal program or activity that assists or directly serves the common good in the community, county, state (AuxComm), federal entity (FEMA, MARS, etc.), or Volunteer Organization (ARC, SATERN, etc.). [[|Georgia ARES]]\\ [[|Georgia ARES Reflector]] - Groups.IO\\ ===== Georgia AUXCOMM ===== In Georgia, the AUXC position is recognized by GEMA to support auxiliary communications at the State Operations Center (SOC) and for official deployments requiring auxiliary communications. Georgia AUXCOMM has been formed to provide GEMA with trained communicators and provide information, ongoing training, and support for AUXCOMM operators in the state. Georgia AUXCOMM is a separate organization from GEMA but will receive direction from GEMA and provide communications support. [[|Georgia AUXCOMM]]\\ [[| Reflector]]\\ ===== National Weather Service (SKYWARN) ===== SKYWARN® storm spotters are an important group of volunteers that report severe weather, winter weather and damage caused by weather to the National Weather Service. These reports aid the National Weather Service in accomplishing its mission of "protection of life and property" by providing forecasters essential information of what is actually going on at ground level. SKYWARN® spotters receive training from the National Weather Service which teaches weather safety, storm structure, and reportable criteria. [[| NWS Atlanta Skywarn]] - NWS information on the program.\\ [[| Georgia Skywarn Repeaters]] - site for Amateur Radio Linked Repeaters. ===== Georgia Section ARRL ===== [[| Georgia Section ARRL]]\\ ====== Regional ====== ---- ===== Southeastern Repeater Association ===== [[| SERA Web Site]] ====== National ====== ---- =====American Radio Relay League (ARRL)===== [[| ARRL]]\\ national_orgs.txt Last modified: 2024/04/15 12:11by Jack Parks - KQ4JP