Show pageBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ======Get your License====== There are three levels to amateur radio licensing. Each level. or class, conveys more availability of the RF spectrum you can use. * Technician * General * Extra Ham radio is one of those hobbies that you really can't practice until you are licensed. It is hard to fully understand the material without a way to practice. It's a conundrum of sorts. I really started learning the hobby after I passed my Technician exam. Being licensed gave me the ability to try different setups, radios, and antennas //with the ability to transmit// to test their effectiveness. I recommend studying and memorizing the question pools so that you can pass the exam, so that you can start to explore the many facits of the hobby. Your learning and understanding of amateur radio will greatly expand once you get your ticket. <WRAP round info 60%> Many local clubs offer test services. Check out the local club page for your area to find a club near you.\\ [[:atl_metro_clubs|Atlanta Metro Clubs]] </WRAP> ===== Question Pools ===== The question pools are publicly available and usually valid for 4 years before being refreshed. As of right now, the question pools are valid for the following periods: * **Technician** - 2022-2026 * **General** - 2023-2027 * **Extra** - 2024-2028 =====Study Materials===== <WRAP round tip 60%> I'm a huge fan of **[[| Ham Study]]** and have used it for my studying and exam scheduling. </WRAP> ==== Online/App ==== [[|Ham Study]]\\ An excellent study tool to help you pass your Technician, General, or Extra class license exam. [[|Ham Radio Prep]]\\ The Ham Radio Prep program makes getting your license fast, easy, and fun in just a few hours of study time. ==== Books ==== Some folks really appreciate having a book to study from. Here are the books you can pick up on Amazon to further your studies. [[|ARRL Ham Radio License Manual 5th Edition]] - pass the Technician exam\\ [[|ARRL General Class License Manual 10th Edition]]\\ [[|ARRL Extra Class License Manual for Ham Radio 13th Edition]]\\ ===== Exams ===== Schedule your exam once you feel confident in your knowledge of the question pool. [[|Ham Study Exam Sessions]]\\ general_amateur_info/get_your_license.txt Last modified: 2024/11/08 14:54by Jack Parks - KQ4JP